Ranger Services
The role of our Shire Rangers is to ensure the protection of public safety, preserve public amenities/assets, enforce animal legislation, and enhance the natural environment.
To contact Council’s Ranger Services, please call 08 9727 0222.

Please note: Ranger Services are available 24/7, however after-hours is reserved for emergencies only such as dog attacks, livestock on roads or requests for assistance from Police.
For all non-urgent matters, please contact Council during business hours or the Police.
Shire Rangers monitor and help in a variety of areas across our Local Government Area.
Some of their daily duties include:
- Animal control, including regulation of companion animals and off-leash areas
- Barking dog complaints
- Regulation of activities on Council reserves contrary to signage
- Stray livestock
- Parking regulation, including school zones
- Abandoned vehicles and other items
- Investigation of illegal dumping incidents
- Issuing infringement notices.
Litter & Illegal Dumping
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