Samantha Chamberlain
Director Community & Corporate
In March 2021, the Shire of Capel welcomed Samantha as Director Community and Corporate, having spent the previous 20 years in State Government with the Department of Education in Australia and the UK.
Samantha supports the CEO and the Council with strategic and operational functions across the organisation and leads numerous projects both internal and external based.
Samantha is responsible for leading the following departments, ably supported by a team of dedicated Managers and staff:
- Finance
- Rates
- Governance and Risk
- Community Development
- Community Safety
- Organisational Development, including Work Health and Safety (WHS)
- Customer Relations
- Libraries
- Business and Technology, including Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Records.
On a personal note; Samantha values her role and the staff at the Shire and is committed to providing a high level of service to the Shire of Capel community and its visitors.