Stable Fly

Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) is a declared pest under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 which can be prevalent in the Shire of Capel.
It can attack humans, domestic pets, and livestock, seeking to draw blood which is essential to complete its life cycle. Stable flies typically occur in large numbers from late spring through to late autumn.
DPIRD advise that stable fly management is a shared responsibility, and we must all play our role in reducing the risk of this nasty fly:
- It is important for vegetable growers to bury crop residues and reject produce immediately to prevent breeding sites from being established
- Livestock producers and horse owners can help by cleaning animal enclosures daily and covering animal feed and bedding waste with a fly-proof cover to keep it completely dry
- It’s best not to feed waste vegetables to livestock – unless in a trough or box to prevent mixing with the soil and don’t forget to clean up spilt grain promptly.
Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, regulations are in place to manage the pest. The Stable Fly Management Plan 2019 outlines industry’s obligations under the Act to reduce the risk of the pest breeding, which is available on the DPIRD website.
Online resources to assist landholders and animal owners to reduce the risk of stable flies, including control measures, surveillance advice and a factsheet, can be found here:
Reduce The Risk of Stable Flies
Stable Fly Factsheet
Stable Fly in WA
Primary producers and the general public are encouraged to report stable flies agitating horses and livestock or biting humans and pets via DPIRD’s MyPestGuide Reporter app or calling the Pest and Disease Information Service on 08 9368 3080.
Further information about the stable fly can also be found on the Stable Fly Action Group website.