Shire of Capel – Local Planning Scheme No. 8 Gazettal

Published on Wednesday, 19 July 2023 at 6:55:05 AM

The Shire of Capel is pleased to announce that the new Local Planning Scheme No. 8 has been gazetted today. This milestone achievement is the result of extensive collaboration and consultation with the community, business and industry stakeholders, and relevant government agencies.

The previous Town Planning Scheme No. 7 is rescinded, and from today on will no longer form part of the Council’s decision-making process.

Key changes that will occur as a result of the new Scheme will include a rezoning or recoding of certain sites, different built form requirements for certain zones, and various development exemptions being included as supplemental provisions.

Further, the gazettal of the Scheme will enable the Shire’s newly created suit of local planning policies to come into effect.

The Shire has opted for a Scheme that reduces the content and extent of fixed planning provisions, and instead introduced a new planning framework in the form of local planning policies to enable a greater level of flexibility and ease for provisions to be updated into the future.

Shire President Doug Kitchen said “The new Local Planning Scheme No. 8 is a modern planning framework that will guide the development of the Shire of Capel for years to come. Local Governments are responsible for planning their local communities by ensuring appropriate planning guidelines and controls exist for land use and development. We do this by preparing local planning schemes and strategies.

This gazettal is the culmination of many years of work beginning in 2015 and is one of most important strategic documents a Local Government can have.  Along with the guiding local planning policies, the new Scheme provides the District with a more modern and flexible approach to future development than we’ve had in the past”.

With the gazettal of the Scheme, it will not have any impact on a person with an existing and current development approval that was obtained prior to the date in which gazettal occurred.

For further information on the new Local Planning Scheme No. 8, or the changes that it may create for a property, please contact the Shire’s Duty Planner on 9727 0222.

Background Key Dates


Council resolution to prepare Shire of Capel Local Planning Scheme No. 8

23 September 2015

Preparation of draft Scheme 8
October 2015 to August 2019
Council resolution to advertise phase I draft Scheme 8
25 September 2019
WAPC assesses draft Scheme 8 and advises draft Scheme is suitable to advertise phase II

19 February 2021

Local government advertises draft Scheme 8 by publishing notice in a newspaper, displaying draft Scheme 8 in Shire offices, giving a copy to relevant public authorities, publishing draft Scheme 8 on Shire website and advertising in other ways considered appropriate.



03 March 2021

Draft Scheme 8 to be advertised for a minimum of 90 days

March 2021 – June 2021

Local government to consider submissions made June 2021 – March 2022
Council resolves to support draft scheme
March 2022
WAPC to consider documentation and make recommendation to Minister.
Minister to endorse final Scheme 8 and publish in the Local Government Gazette.
Local government to publish notice of approval of Scheme 8 in newspaper and also notify submitters

17 July 2023

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