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You have the ability to save this form and complete it at a later date. An email will be generated and sent to the specified address.
Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.
Project Details
Projects under $2,000 may apply for a maximum of $1,000 excluding GST.
Projects $2,000 - $10,000 may apply for a maximum of $3,333 excluding GST.
Financial Details- EXPENDITURE
For items up to $1,000 – 1 documented verbal quote to be obtained.
For items between $1,001 and $5,000 – 1 written quote to be obtained.
For items over $5,000 – 3 written quotes to be obtained.
Calculating the value of donated labour and materials/goods etc:
Request written quotation from an equivalent tradesperson or supplier to provide similar services and
Materials/goods to record on both the Expenditure page and the Income page as an in kind donation.
Acquitting the grant:
You will need to supply receipts for all cash expenditure relating to the funding provided by the Shire.
All receipts must be issued to your organisation and give details of the supplier and the goods/labour purchased.
The provider of the labour donation may need to hold relevant qualifications in the field of service they are providing.
Financial Details- INCOME
Additional Funding
Other Funding:
It is considered an advantage if you have applied for other funding from other sources.
Have you applied for funding from other sources?
Council Funds
Total Requested Amount
This is the total amount requested from the Shire of Capel.
This amount should be the difference between the TOTAL INCOME and EXPENDITURE.
Please ensure you have completed the following if your project involves the construction of anything on Shire of Capel Land or land vested to the Shire of Capel:
If the applicant is successful, these conditions will form part of your agreement with the Shire of Capel.
Our organisation agrees To the following conditions:
• To acknowledge Council’s support in any advertising, promotion, and media publicity associated with the project.
• To utilise the Shire of Capel logo when approved by Council.
• To provide a detailed report at the conclusion of the project which outlines the project’s
achievements measured against the objectives. This is required by 30th June.
• To provide a detailed statement of acquittal of Council funds expended, and audit if required, (including receipts), and
• Abide by any other conditions placed on the approval of the grant.
I hereby certify that I am authorised to prepare and submit this application.
The information contained herein is to the best of my knowledge true and correct.