The Shire of Capel would like to hear your feedback about the proposed Boyanup RV dump point site being located at the rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall on Bridge Street, Boyanup (primarily on road reserve).
Please see detailed information below about the project in the Information Update, including sites that were assessed by Shire staff and why these sites have / have not been recommended, a site map, photos of the Capel RV dump point and ways to Have Your Say.
Information Update
The town of Boyanup has long been identified by the Shire of Capel and the local business community as a site for the development of tourism amenities, including a new Recreational Vehicle (RV) waste dump point and RV Overnight Rest Area (ORA) to increase visitation and tourism spend for the benefit of the town.
Recreational Vehicles (RVs) include motorhomes, campervans and caravans and must be fully self-contained.
The Shire’s Plan for the Future lists Prosperity as its third pillar, to ‘Foster a dynamic, diverse and strong local community.’ Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2 of the Plan focus on supporting local business growth and improving tourism infrastructure and promotion of tourism in the Shire.
Tourism has also been identified as a targeted strategic industry sector in the Shire of Capel’s Economic Development Framework 2024-2028. The Framework identifies ‘Realising enabling infrastructure’ as a Strategic Focus Area – to ‘Identify preferred locations, build RV and truck parking, RV dumping point and overnight caravan sites in Boyanup and Capel (where these services are not currently provided).’
The Shire of Capel’s Corporate Business Plan 2024-2028, EDT 4 likewise states to ‘Develop and implement a self-contained caravan / motorhome stop and dump point in Boyanup.’
The development of the Boyanup RV dump point and Overnight Rest Area (ORA) is planned as a staged development to occur over two years. Stage 1 is the proposed Boyanup RV dump point, which has budget allocated for the 2024/25 year. Stage 2 is the proposed Boyanup RV ORA, which has a proposed budget allocation for the 2025/26 year.
Proposed Boyanup RV dump point site
To achieve ‘RV Friendly Town’ status, the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA) criteria states that access to a free dump point must be available in the town (as well as an RV Overnight Rest Area).
The Shire has considered a list of essential criteria to assist in the selection of a preferred RV dump point site, which were:
- Close to sewer and potable water
- The RV dump point must be connected to sewer. Due to the wastewater volume, variation and availability of sewer, the Shire would not support a dump site at a location without sewer connection.
- Easy walking distance to town and amenities (to maximise economic benefit for the town)
- Easy to find – not too far from main roads
- Lowest installation cost preferred
- Initial assessment of the site by key external stakeholders has identified no ‘red flags’ to prohibit use or development
The Shire and the community previously identified several potential RV dump points sites as listed and detailed below:
Shire-identified sites
- Rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall (primarily on the road verge)
- 73-77 Bridge Street (vacant block between Fettlers Cottages)
- Diggers Rest at 104 SW Hwy (Visitor Information Bay)
- Fettlers Park
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 29 May 2024, Council resolved to support a new RV dump point in Boyanup and requested the Shire undertake community consultation requesting feedback on the above four listed sites and Lots 2 and 24 Turner Street – (Water Corporation and Public Transport Authority land respectively) before reporting back to Council on a recommended site (OC/2024/86).
Lot 1 South West Highway and Lot 25 Turner Street were also investigated by Shire staff as these sites were identified by Boyanup community members for further consideration for the RV dump point site.
Shire staff then investigated each of these potential RV dump point sites with various key stakeholders to determine which sites would be approved (in principle) and rule out any that would not be approved for use before conducting community consultation.
These stakeholders included Main Roads WA, Water Corporation, Public Transport Authority, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage, the Shire’s Economic Development Advisory Committee and internal Shire staff to obtain feedback on the proposed RV dump point sites.
This process enabled Shire staff to eliminate potential RV dump point sites with ‘fatal flaws’ that would be unlikely to be able to proceed to project implementation.
As a result of this process, the following information has been gathered.
Proposed Boyanup Recreational Vehicle Dump Point Site Assessment
Site assessed
Why recommended / not recommended
Rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall
(primarily road reserve, small section on Crown Land vested to the Shire for Community Use)
This site is recommended as it meets all the essential criteria.
Subject to the dump point proceeding at this site, some minor works are proposed for the rear of the Hall to improve general amenity including parking, upgrade of footpath and side access.
This location is Main Roads preferred dump point site. The access will need to be designed to accommodate vehicles accessing from the north via South Western Highway, with any modifications and road signage on South Western Highway to be approved by Main Roads.
73-77 Bridge Street
(vacant block between Fettlers Cottages)
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
This site has been identified as a possible future RV Overnight Rest Area (ORA). As such, this site isn’t considered large enough to accommodate a combined RV dump point and ORA.
Main Roads have concerns about potential traffic congestion and conflicts on Boyanup Picton Road (Bridge Street) if RVs are parking on the street, waiting to use the dump point and not staying at the RV ORA.
Diggers Rest,
104 South West Hwy
(Visitor Information Bay)
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
This site is not close to sewer, amenities or walking distance to town. The RV dump point must be connected to sewer. Due to the wastewater volume, variation and availability of sewer, the Shire would not support a dump site at a location without sewer connection.
Main Roads would require upgraded access to South Western Highway, to include appropriate right turn pocket treatment. This would likely be very costly based on detailed design, site constraints, land availability, drainage requirements and service relocation, which would be cost prohibitive.
This site is also close to the future Boyanup Bypass road intersection which will require realignment of the highway and likely modifications to the parking bay area and or access arrangements again in future.
Fettlers Park
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
There has been considerable community opposition to a dump point at this site in the past, documented in correspondence in 2016, 2021 and again in 2024.
Main Roads have concerns about potential traffic congestion and conflicts on Boyanup Picton Road (Bridge Street) if RVs are parking on the street, waiting to use the dump point.
Lots 2 and 24 Turner Street
(Water Corp and PTA land, respectively)
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
Main Roads does not support the proposed location without significant upgrade to the intersection of South Western Highway and Turner Street occurring. These works would be cost prohibitive to the project.
- The intersection of South Western Highway and Turner Street has already been identified by Main Roads to have a deficient right turn treatment. As such, Main Roads wouldn’t be supportive of additional traffic demands on this road until the intersection was upgraded including appropriate left and right turn treatments designed and constructed to the specifications of Main Roads.
- Current traffic volumes on South Western Highway in the vicinity of Turner Street are currently in excess of 7000 vehicles per day which triggers the requirement for a full channelised right turn treatment and basic left turn treatment at the Turner Street junction.
- It is not possible to develop a right turn treatment due to the proximity of existing development (buildings) to the Highway and the left turn treatment was not developed by the previous Meadowbrooke Estate developer. Main Roads do therefore not support any increase in traffic demands at the junction in principle.
- Left and right turn pockets would also be problematic in view of the close location to the railway crossing.
- Further land purchases and potential demolition of private residences would be required to achieve a dump point in this location.
- Relocation of at least 3 power poles.
- Consideration of emergency services located on Turner Street.
Lot 1 South Western Highway
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
- There is no access to sewer or potable water. As such, it would require significant infrastructure, making it cost prohibitive.
- The RV dump point must be connected to sewer. Due to the wastewater volume, variation and availability of sewer, the Shire would not support a dump site at a location without sewer connection.
- There is no access to this site for additional RV traffic. Main Roads feedback is that they would be unlikely to support a new access from South Western Highway to this site.
- In addition, access can’t be through Thomas Street or the internal roads at Memorial Park due to already existing traffic and pedestrian congestion during sporting events and the Boyanup Farmers Market days.
- The Sports Spaces Plan has been endorsed by Council to guide the planning, staging, funding and delivery of future community sporting infrastructure throughout the district. Subject to future population growth there is an opportunity for the Shire of Capel to provide improved club rooms and change rooms at Boyanup Memorial Park (in the longer term) for integrated use by AFL (Training and Competition) and Hockey (predominantly training). As evidenced on Saturday 14 September 2024 of SWFL fixturing with 1200 people in attendance, an increase in patronage would preclude the opportunity for non-sporting users to access Lot 1 South Western Highway via the internal roadways of Memorial Park (Thomas Street). It is not a thoroughfare.
Lot 25 Turner Street
This site is not recommended as it does not meet all the essential criteria.
The ‘green patch’ between the ambulance and fire station buildings on Turner Street is a septic and leach drain system that is not trafficable. This comprises of two standard septic tanks, a pump tank and two nine metre leach drains.
Main Roads does not support the proposed location without significant upgrade to the intersection of South Western Highway and Turner Street occurring. These works would be cost prohibitive to the project.
- The intersection of South Western Highway and Turner Street has already been identified by Main Roads to have a deficient right turn treatment. As such, Main Roads wouldn’t be supportive of additional traffic demands on this road until the intersection was upgraded including appropriate left and right turn treatments designed and constructed to the specifications of Main Roads.
- Current traffic volumes on South Western Highway in the vicinity of Turner Street are currently in excess of 7000 vehicles per day which triggers the requirement for a full channelised right turn treatment and basic left turn treatment at the Turner Street junction.
- It is not possible to develop a right turn treatment due to the proximity of existing development (buildings) to the Highway and the left turn treatment was not developed by the previous Meadowbrooke Estate developer. Main Roads do therefore not support any increase in traffic demands at the junction in principle.
- Left and right turn pockets would also be problematic in view of the close location to the railway crossing.
- Further land purchases and potential demolition of private residences would be required to achieve a dump point in this location.
- Relocation of at least 3 power poles.
- Consideration of emergency services located on Turner Street.
Of the seven potential sites listed above for an RV dump point, only one site remains which meets all the essential criteria and has no ‘fatal flaws’ identified by key stakeholders. This site is the rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall (primarily on the road reserve).
Site Map
Please see a Site Map (located under the "Site Map" Tab) showing the proposed RV dump point site and proposed minor works to improve general amenity, including parking, upgrade of the footpath and side access.
Hall Parking
As a separate matter, we understand there may be some concern about the potential impact on parking at the Hall, as mine workers currently use the Hall for parking. Shire staff are currently working on relocating mine workers to another location for parking in the near future.
Next Steps
The next step in the process is for Shire staff to consult with the Boyanup community - for you to have your say about the proposed RV dump point site being located at the rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall (primarily on the road reserve). The Shire will then take the Boyanup community’s feedback about the proposed site and recommendations to the Council Meeting on Wednesday, 26 March 2025 for consideration.
Over the coming weeks, the Shire will meet with several Boyanup community groups and hold two information sessions – one for community members and one for local businesses. An online survey will also be available for those unable to attend the Information Sessions.
Details of the Information Sessions and how to have your say is outlined on the "Ways to Have Your Say" Tab.
The second stage of the project, proposed to be budgeted for the 2025-26 year, is the development of the Boyanup RV Overnight Rest Area. At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 29 May 2024, Council resolved to support the proposed location of the new Boyanup RV ORA at 73-77 Bridge Street (vacant block between Fettlers Cottages) based on a length of stay of up to 72 hours (maximum of 3 days) in any month, for a two-year trial period, with an interim review to gauge the functional workings, community feedback and economic benefit of the RV ORA to the community (OC/2024/86).
Further public advertising on this site and opportunity for submissions will occur as per the Shire’s statutory requirements at a later date.
For queries relating to this project, please email us at
Please find PDF copy HERE
Site Map
Proposed Boyanup Recreational Vehicle dump point site at the rear of the Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Hall
Proposed minor works to improve general amenity

Photos of Capel RV Dump Point, Berkshire St

Ways to Have Your Say
Community Information Session
Date: Monday 10 February 2025
Time: 7 pm – 8.30 pm
Venue: Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Centre
All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments provided.
To register, use the below button or scan the QR code below
Register Here for Community Information Session

Business Information Session (for local businesses)
Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Time: 7 pm – 8.30 pm
Venue: Hugh Kilpatrick Memorial Centre
Light refreshments provided.
To register, use the below button or scan the QR code below.
Register Here for Business Information Session

Online survey
An online survey is also available for those unable to attend the Information Sessions.
Use the button below or scan the QR code below.
Complete Survey Here

The survey will close on Friday 14 February, 2025.
For queries relating to this project, please email us at
The Shire will take the community’s feedback about the proposed site and recommendations to the Council Meeting on Wednesday, 26 March 2025 for consideration.